A recent blast design trend is to properly select cladding characteristics in order to limit blast consequences on its supporting structure. In this context, it is worth noting that cladding components may exhibit significant membrane action, and its effects may be decisive for the supporting structure. The main focus of the present study was to examine these effects through two-step dimensionless SDOF analyses, aimed at reaching conclusions that would be applicable to a large variety of cladding/supporting structure arrangements. The results of these analyses are presented by employing the dynamic load factor, representing the maximum supporting structure displacement. It was found that cladding membrane action has adverse effects over its supporting structure, as it does not allow for extensive plastic dissipation and leads to higher support reactions. On the contrary, insignificant membrane action leads to lower dynamic load factor for the supporting structure. Thus, membrane behavior should be activated only as a safety backup action in order to prevent cladding failure. A case study of a typical cladding/supporting structure is presented to demonstrate and verify the proposed two-step SDOF analyses and the obtained results.
State Scholarships Foundation (ΙΚΥ), Greece
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4 articles.