Sustainable Aspects of Startups among Generation Z—Motivations and Uncertainties among Students in Higher Educations


Papp-Váry Árpád1ORCID,Pacsi Diána2,Szabó Zoltán1


1. Alexandre Lamfalussy Faculty of Economics, University of Sopron, 9400 Sopron, Hungary

2. Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Science, 2100 Gödöllő, Hungary


While technology is developing rapidly, natural resources are being exploited with more and more factories. Global environmental problems draw attention to the issue of sustainability as a warning sign. In this situation, encouraging the development of green innovative technologies and supporting green startups has become particularly important. Sustainable development is an important goal for every country, and it means a global competitive advantage if the given country supports the spread of green technologies. It is therefore the responsibility of leading politicians to create an enabling economic environment to encourage young people to become conscious, green-minded entrepreneurs. In this study, we delve into the driving factors compelling young individuals to venture into entrepreneurship. This exploration combines both quantitative and qualitative research methods. A cohort of 280 Hungarian university students participated in an online questionnaire survey as part of the quantitative segment, while the qualitative research component involved scrutinizing young people’s perspectives on enterprises and startups through focus group discussions. The research aims to unveil the motivations and primary concerns of Z-generation university students when contemplating entrepreneurship, as well as their perspectives on the significance of sustainability in this context. The outcomes of this study could serve as a catalyst for the establishment of more environmentally-conscious and sustainable businesses and startups.


Government of Hungary within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Facility




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development,Building and Construction

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