The Influence of the Mining Operation Environment on the Energy Consumption and Technical Availability of Truck Haulage Operations in Surface Mines


Bodziony Przemysław1ORCID,Patyk Michał1ORCID


1. Department of Mining Engineering and Work Safety, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management, AGH University of Krakow, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Cracow, Poland


This paper presents an analysis of the impact of selected parameters of the operating environment on the energy consumption and reliability of haulage in surface mining. The analysis is based on a cyclic haulage system in a limestone open pit. The results of the calculations show that maintaining the operating environment in good technical condition has a positive effect on the haulage process and a direct or indirect effect on the operating costs, the analysis of which is also presented in the main body of the article. The analysis was carried out for a full year’s production, taking into account actual operating and maintenance downtime. The results of similar analyses can be used as a basis for deciding on the type of truck to be used for transport or for reconfiguring transport routes. In addition to the economic and operational aspects of energy consumption and reliability, the environmental aspect cannot be overlooked. The comparison of two variants of mining conditions shows that a modification of the haul road surface leads to a significant reduction in fuel consumption. Depending on the type of vehicle, fuel consumption can be reduced by almost 20%. The potential reduction in fuel consumption directly translates into lower exhaust emissions, which is an important element of an environmentally sustainable approach to mining transport, and greater reliability increases efficiency and reduces the carbon footprint of the vehicle.


AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Resource Management



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