Historical School Buildings. A Multi-Criteria Approach for Urban Sustainable Projects


Guarini Maria RosariaORCID,Morano PierluigiORCID,Sica FrancescoORCID


It is recognized, in Europe and elsewhere, that there is a need to implement sustainable urban intervention policies based also on the recovery of existing public real estate assets. In Italy, the schools are a significant part of public property. At this time (2019), many buildings destined for teaching need to be redeveloped, both from a structural and plant engineering point of view, and with regard to the management of the spaces available for teaching and social activities. Although, there have been many attempts by the legislator to regulate the modus operandi in the school construction field, it is clear that there is a lack of a unique regulatory system in which the technical and functional-managerial aspects relating to the same school are considered together. On this basis, with this study a multi-criteria evaluation protocol to support intervention planning for the redevelopment of existing school buildings is proposed. The study defines an evaluation framework with which we can establish the design priorities to be carried out in accordance with the building features and community needs. The evaluation framework is tested on a renewal project regarding a school building located in the historic center of Rome (Italy).




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development

Reference54 articles.

1. Sustainable Cities. Policies and Healthy Cities;Garett,2019

2. Advancing sustainable urban transformation

3. Analysis of the Local Agenda 21 in Madrid Compared with Other Global Actions in Sustainable Development

4. Compact Cities and Sustainable Urban Development: A Critical Assessment of Policies and Plans from an International Perspective;De Roo,2019

5. The sustainability of urban renewal projects: a model for economic multi-criteria analysis

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