1. Making Water Reform Happen in Mexico,2013
2. Arreglos institucionales para el saneamiento de aguas residuales en México. Un caso de estudio en la cuenca Lerma-Chapala;Pacheco-Vega,2009
3. Wastewater Management, A UN-WATER Analytical Briefhttp://www.unwater.org/fileadmin/user_upload/unwater_new/docs/UN-Water_Analytical_Brief_Wastewater_Management.pdf
4. Sick Water? The Central Role of Waste-Water Management in Sustainable Development. A Rapid Response Assessment;Corcoran,2010
5. PVEM pide sancionar a quien contaminó el río Atoyac (Green party asks sanctions for the Atoyac river polluters)http://www.milenio.com/politica/Atoyac_contaminacion_PVME_atoyac-rio_atoyac_contaminacion_partido_verde_0_704329723.html