Analysis of Gas-Turbine Type GT-009 M Low-Toxic Combustion Chamber with Impact Cooling of the Burner Pipe Based on Combustion of Preliminarily Prepared Depleted Air–Fuel Mixture


Maspanov SergejORCID,Bogov Igor,Smirnov Alexander,Martynenko Svetlana,Sukhanov Vladimir


This article analyzes the mechanism of formation of the main components of harmful emissions characteristic of combustion chambers operating on conventional hydrocarbon fuels. The method of combustion of a preliminarily prepared depleted air–fuel mixture was chosen as the object of the study. This method of suppressing harmful emissions was implemented in the design of a low-toxic combustion chamber developed as applied to the GT-009 M type unit with impact cooling of the burner pipe and provides for stabilization of the main kinetic flame by means of a diffusion-kinetic and a standby burner device. The results of the calculations performed with regard to the operating conditions of the low-toxic combustion chamber at the nominal load of GT-009 M allow us to conclude that the practical use of combustion of a depleted, preprepared, fuel–air mixture in combination with diffusion-kinetic stabilization of combustion is promising. The topic of this article is related to the problem of ecological improvement of gas turbine unit combustion chambers, which determines its utmost importance and relevance.




Energy (miscellaneous),Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Control and Optimization,Engineering (miscellaneous)

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