The Impact of Optimizing Industrial Energy Efficiency on Agricultural Development in OECD Countries


Shang Haiyang1ORCID,Feng Ying1,Lu Ching-Cheng2ORCID,Yang Chih-Yu2


1. Business College, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, No. 558 West Chang An Road, Chang An District, Xi’an 710122, China

2. Department of Economics, Soochow University, 56, Kueiyang St., Sec. 1, Taipei 100, Taiwan


This study evaluates the impact of industrial energy efficiency on agricultural development in the 31 member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) from 2015 to 2019. Using dynamic network slack-based measures (DN-SBM) and dynamic network total factor productivity (DN-TFP) indicators, dynamic cross-period information is used to assess the changes in efficiency and productivity of the industrial and agricultural sectors. The empirical results show that the industrial sector of the OECD is more efficient than the agricultural sector, and while some countries have low efficiency, productivity tends to improve. The study has three contributions: 1. Using the concept of the water–energy–food (WEF) nexus as a framework and combining its elements with variables to evaluate the efficiency performance of OECD countries; 2. using a dynamic two-stage DN-SBM model to objectively assess the overall efficiency value and provide improvement suggestions for different stages; 3. a comprehensive analysis of efficiency and productivity; the results can serve as a reference for OECD countries when formulating policies


Shaanxi Province Innovation Capability Support Program Soft Science Project

National Social Science Foundation of China

National Natural Science Foundation of China




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development,Building and Construction

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