1. Department of Nuclear Medicine, Odense University Hospital, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark
2. Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark
3. Department of Radiology, Odense University Hospital, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark
4. Centre for Personalized Response Monitoring in Oncology (PREMIO), Odense University Hospital, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark
5. Department of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital of Southern Denmark, DK-7100 Vejle, Denmark
6. Department of Oncology, Odense University Hospital, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark
7. Centre for Innovative Medical Technology, Odense University Hospital, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark
8. Odense Patient Data Explorative Network, Odense University Hospital, DK-5000 Odense, Denmark