A Review of CCUS in the Context of Foams, Regulatory Frameworks and Monitoring


Orujov Alirza1,Coddington Kipp2,Aryana Saman A.1ORCID


1. Department of Chemical & Biomedical Engineering, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, USA

2. School of Energy Resources, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, USA


Greenhouse gas emission into the atmosphere is considered the main reason for the rise in Earth’s mean surface temperature. According to the Paris Agreement, to prevent the rise of the global average surface temperature beyond two degrees Celsius, global CO2 emissions must be cut substantially. While a transition to a net-zero emission scenario is envisioned by mid-century, carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) will play a crucial role in mitigating ongoing greenhouse gas emissions. Injection of CO2 into geological formations is a major pathway to enable large-scale storage. Despite significant recent technological advancements, mass deployment of these technologies still faces several technical and non-technical difficulties. This paper provides an overview of technical milestones reached thus far in CO2 capture, utilization, geological storage, monitoring technologies, and non-technical aspects such as regulatory frameworks and related policies in the US and the rest of the world. This paper describes different injection methods to store CO2 in various subsurface formations, the use of foams and the resulting potential gains in CO2 storage capacity, the role of nanoparticles for foam stabilization, and ensuring long-term storage safety. This work also addresses several safety-related aspects of geological storage and subsurface monitoring technologies that may mitigate risks associated with long-term storage.


Center for Mechanistic Control of Water–Hydrocarbon–Rock Interactions in Unconventional and Tight Oil Formations

US Department of Energy, Office of Science




Energy (miscellaneous),Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Control and Optimization,Engineering (miscellaneous),Building and Construction

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