Electrophysiological Screening to Assess Foot Drop Syndrome in Severe Acquired Brain Injury in Rehabilitative Settings


Piccione Francesco1ORCID,Cerasa Antonio234ORCID,Tonin Paolo2ORCID,Carozzo Simone2ORCID,Calabrò Rocco Salvatore5ORCID,Masiero Stefano6ORCID,Lucca Lucia Francesca2


1. Neurorehabilitation Unit, Section of Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Hospital-University of Padua, 35128 Padua, Italy

2. S. Anna Institute, 88900 Crotone, Italy

3. Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation (IRIB), National Research Council of Italy, 00186 Messina, Italy

4. Pharmacotechnology Documentation and Transfer Unit, Preclinical and Translational Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacy, Health Science and Nutrition, University of Calabria, 87036 Arcavacata, Italy

5. IRCCS Centro Neurolesi “Bonino Pulejo”, 98124 Messina, Italy

6. Neurorehabilitation Unit, Department of Neuroscience, University of Padua, 35128 Padua, Italy


Background: Foot drop syndrome (FDS), characterized by severe weakness and atrophy of the dorsiflexion muscles of the feet, is commonly found in patients with severe acquired brain injury (ABI). If the syndrome is unilateral, the cause is often a peroneal neuropathy (PN), due to compression of the nervous trunk on the neck of the fibula at the knee level; less frequently, the cause is a previous or concomitant lumbar radiculopathy. Bilateral syndromes are caused by polyneuropathies and myopathies. Central causes, due to brain or spinal injury, mimic this syndrome but are usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as spasticity. Critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP) and myopathy (CIM), isolated or in combination (critical illness polyneuromyopathy, CIPNM), have been shown to constitute an important cause of FDS in patients with ABI. Assessing the causes of FDS in the intensive rehabilitation unit (IRU) has several limitations, which include the complexity of the electrophysiological tests, limited availability of neurophysiology consultants, and the severe disturbance in consciousness and lack of cooperation from patients. Objectives: We sought to propose a simplified electrophysiological screening that identifies FDS causes, particularly PN and CIPNM, to help clinicians to recognize the significant clinical predictors of poor outcomes in severe ABI at admission to IRU. Methods: This prospective, single-center study included 20 severe ABI patients with FDS (11 females/9 males, mean age 55.10 + 16.26; CRS-R= 11.90 + 6.32; LCF: 3.30 + 1.30; DRS: 21.45 + 3.33), with prolonged rehabilitation treatment (≥2 months). We applied direct tibialis anterior muscle stimulation (DMS) associated with peroneal nerve motor conduction evaluation, across the fibular head (NCS), to identify CIP and/or CIM and to exclude demyelinating or compressive unilateral PN. Results: At admission to IRU, simplified electrophysiological screening reported four unilateral PN, four CIP and six CIM with a CIPNM overall prevalence estimate of about 50%. After 2 months, the CIPNM group showed significantly poorer outcomes compared to other ABI patients without CIPNM, as demonstrated by the lower probability of achieving endotracheal-tube weaning (20% versus 90%) and lower CRS-R and DRS scores. Due to the subacute rehabilitation setting of our study, it was not possible to evaluate the motor results of recovery of the standing position, functional walking and balance, impaired by the presence of unilateral PN. Conclusions: The implementation of the proposed simplified electrophysiological screening may enable the early identification of unilateral PN or CIPNM in severe ABI patients, thereby contributing to better functional prognosis in rehabilitative settings.










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