Club Cells—A Guardian against Occupational Hazards


Otelea Marina Ruxandra1ORCID,Oancea Corina2,Reisz Daniela3ORCID,Vaida Monica Adriana4ORCID,Maftei Andreea5,Popescu Florina Georgeta6ORCID


1. Clinical Department 5, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 050474 Bucharest, Romania

2. Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 050474 Bucharest, Romania

3. Department of Neurology, “Victor Babeș” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 300041 Timișoara, Romania

4. Department of Anatomy and Embryology, “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 300041 Timișoara, Romania

5. Doctoral School, “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 050474 Bucharest, Romania

6. Department of Occupational Health, “Victor Babeş” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 300041 Timișoara, Romania


Club cells have a distinct role in the epithelial repair and defense mechanisms of the lung. After exposure to environmental pollutants, during chronic exposure, the secretion of club cells secretory protein (CCSP) decreases. Exposure to occupational hazards certainly has a role in a large number of interstitial lung diseases. According to the American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Society, around 40% of the all interstitial lung disease is attributed to occupational hazards. Some of them are very well characterized (pneumoconiosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis), whereas others are consequences of acute exposure (e.g., paraquat) or persistent exposure (e.g., isocyanate). The category of vapors, gases, dusts, and fumes (VGDF) has been proven to produce subclinical modifications. The inflammation and altered repair process resulting from the exposure to occupational respiratory hazards create vicious loops of cooperation between epithelial cells, mesenchymal cells, innate defense mechanisms, and immune cells. The secretions of club cells modulate the communication between macrophages, epithelial cells, and fibroblasts mitigating the inflammation and/or reducing the fibrotic process. In this review, we describe the mechanisms by which club cells contribute to the development of interstitial lung diseases and the potential role for club cells as biomarkers for occupational-related fibrosis.




General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,Medicine (miscellaneous)

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