TiO2 of controlled morphologies have been successfully prepared hydrothermally using TiO2 aggregates of different sizes. Different techniques were used to characterize the prepared TiO2 powder such as XRD, XPS, FEGSEM, EDS, and HRTEM. It was illustrated that the prepared TiO2 powders are of high crystallinity with different morphologies such as nanobelt, nanourchin, and nanotube depending on the synthesis conditions of temperature, time, and additives. The mechanism behind the formation of prepared morphologies is proposed involving nanosheet intermediate formation. Furthermore, it was found that the nanoparticle properties were governed by those of TiO2 nanoparticles aggregate used as a precursor. For example, the size of prepared nanobelts was proven to be influenced by the aggregates size used as a precursor for the synthesis.
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
General Materials Science,General Chemical Engineering
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13 articles.