Difficulties for Teleworking of Public Employees in the Spanish Public Administration


Ortiz-Lozano José MaríaORCID,Martínez-Morán Pedro CésarORCID,Fernández-Muñoz Iván


This paper studies the extent to which difficulties in teleworking continue to be encountered by civil servants of the Spanish General State Administration (AGE) who, after the mandatory lockdown decreed by the Spanish Government from March to May 2020, continue to carry out their work under this modality. The results obtained support that the main difficulties are the acquisition of bad posture and problems in separating work and family life, and the presence of different types of difficulties differs depending on gender, the structure of the household, or whether the employee belongs to the levels of positions where higher qualification is required. In addition, ambiguity is expressed regarding the provision of resources and lack of training provided by the AGE.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Geography, Planning and Development

Reference100 articles.

1. Cinco Cambios en las Relaciones Laborales Provocadas por el Coronavirus. The Conversation https://theconversation.com/cinco-cambios-en-las-relaciones-laborales-provocados-por-el-coronavirus-142023

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