1. Building Materials Institute, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Linkmenų str. 28, LT-08217 Vilnius, Lithuania
2. Institute of Economics and Rural Development, Lithuanian Centre for Social Sciences, 03220 Vilnius, Lithuania
In the current work, the performance properties of natural-fibre-based thermal insulation materials were examined. For this purpose, three different compositions of natural fibres were prepared: pure sheep wool (SW), wool and industrial hemp (SW/HF) fibres, and pure industrial hemp (HF) fibres. Low-melt bicomponent polylactide (PLA) fibres were used as a binding material. For specimens prepared from natural fibres, the dependence of the thermal conductivity, the tensile strength along and across the direction of product formation, and the short-term water absorption on the density of the specimens and the flammability parameters were determined. In addition, to reduce the water absorption and flammability, the specimens were coated with hydrophobic agents and flame retardants. The obtained research results were also statistically processed. The analysis of the results showed that the thermal conductivity of natural-fibre-based thermal insulation materials varied within the range of 0.0333 ÷ 0.0438 W/(m·K), the tensile strength varied from 2.5 to 130 kPa, the short-term water absorption varied from 0.5 to 8.5 kg/m2, and the water vapour diffusion resistance factor varied from 2.537 to 2.667. It was additionally determined that all the studied products were flammable. The water absorption and flammability values were significantly reduced by the use of hydrophobic agents and flame retardants.