Quantum Applications of an Atomic Ensemble Inside a Laser Cavity


Ben Amar Baranga Andrei1,Koganov Gennady A.1,Levron David1,Bialolenker Gabriel1,Shuker Reuben1ORCID


1. Physics Department, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel


Many quantum device signals are proportional to the number of the participating atoms that take part in the detection devices. Among these are optical magnetometers, atomic clocks, quantum communications and atom interferometers. One way to enhance the signal-to-noise ratio is to introduce atom entanglement that increases the signal in a super-radiant-like effect. A coherent em field inside a laser cavity is suggested to achieve atoms’ correlation/entanglement. This may also play an important role in the basic quantum arena of many-body physics. An initial novel experiment to test the realization of atoms’ correlation is described here. A Cs optical magnetometer is used as a tool to test the operation of a cell-in-cavity laser and its characteristics. A vapor cell is inserted into an elongated external cavity of the pump laser in Littrow configuration. Higher atom polarization and reduced laser linewidth are obtained leading to better magnetometer sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio. The Larmor frequency changes of the Free Induction Decay of optically pumped Cs atomic polarization in the ambient earth magnetic field at room temperature is measured. Temporal changes in the magnetic field of less than 10 pT/√Hz are measured. The first-order dependence of the magnetic field on temperature and temperature gradients is eliminated, important in many practical applications. Single and gradiometric magnetometer configurations are presented.


Ben-Gurion University of the Negev




Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics

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