1. Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ, UK
We present extended capabilities in simple liquid crystal-based devices that are applicable to adaptive optics and other related fields requiring wavefront manipulation. The laser-written devices can provide complex phase profiles, but are extremely simple to operate, requiring only a single electrode pair tuned between 0 and 10 V RMS. Furthermore, the devices operate in the transmissive mode for easy integration into the optical path. We present here as examples three such devices: the first device reproduces the defocus Zernike polynomial; the second device reproduces a seventh-order Zernike polynomial, tertiary coma; and the last example is of a primary spherical aberration. All devices offer wavelength-scale wavefront manipulation up to more than 2π radians peak-to-peak phase at a wavelength of 660 nm. The coma correction device is significantly more complex, reproducing a mode two orders higher than previous demonstrations, while the spherical device is nearly a full order of magnitude larger, measuring 2 mm in diameter.
Impact Acceleration Account project
Studentship Award with Merck Ltd.
John Fell Fund
The Royal Society