1. Department of Silviculture, Forestry and Game Management Research Institute, Na Olivě 550, 517 73 Opočno, Czech Republic
2. Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 3, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic
Norway spruce stands are established and managed along various site conditions in central Europe. Currently, spruce often grows at locations outside of its ecological optimum, resulting in extensive damage elicited by harmful abiotic and biotic factors, which relatively shortens the time to change this adverse status in the adaptation frame by foresters. Except for the rapid change in species composition through clear-cuts, another way is possible, i.e., stabilising current (especially young) spruce stands to extend the time required to implement adaptation measures. The assumption that different site conditions will have to be respected as part of this adaptation was confirmed by our study based on NFI data of the Czech Republic. A semiparametric generalized linear model (GAM) was used to model the relationship between the height-to-diameter ratio and forest stand age, differentially considering particular forest vegetation zones. Spruce stands with lower elevations attain a lower stability (expressed by their height-to-diameter ratio; HDR) than those in the mountains. The HDR culminated in lower and middle altitudes in the first half of the rotation period, representing the most critical timing and effectivity of silvicultural measures. Contrary to previous findings, we found higher HDR values at nutrient-rich sites than those at acid ones, especially up to 50–60 years old. Therefore, more research should be devoted to the issue concerning the same thinning regime under different site conditions.
Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
National Agency of Agricultural Research
Internal Grant Agency, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, MENDELU Brno, the Czech Republic
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2 articles.