The structural, electronic, and spectroscopic properties of high- and intermediate-spin transition metal phthalocyaninato complexes (MPc; M = V, Cr, Mn and Fe) have been theoretically investigated to look into the origin, symmetry and strength of the M–Pc bonding. DFT calculations coupled to the Ziegler’s extended transition state method and to an advanced charge density and bond order analysis allowed us to assess that the M–Pc bonding is dominated by σ interactions, with FePc having the strongest and most covalent M–Pc bond. According to experimental evidence, the lightest MPcs (VPc and CrPc) have a high-spin ground state (GS), while the MnPc and FePc GS spin is intermediate. Insights into the MPc unoccupied electronic structure have been gained by modelling M L2,3-edges X-ray absorption spectroscopy data from the literature through the exploitation of the current Density Functional Theory variant of the Restricted Open-Shell Configuration Interaction Singles (DFT/ROCIS) method. Besides the overall agreement between theory and experiment, the DFT/ROCIS results indicate that spectral features lying at the lowest excitation energies (EEs) are systematically generated by electronic states having the same GS spin multiplicity and involving M-based single electronic excitations; just as systematically, the L3-edge higher EE region of all the MPcs herein considered includes electronic states generated by metal-to-ligand-charge-transfer transitions involving the lowest-lying π* orbital (7eg) of the phthalocyaninato ligand.
General Materials Science,General Chemical Engineering
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