1. Announcement on 7 Local Confirmed Cases of New Coronary Pneumonia and 2 Local Asymptomatic Infections in Our Cityhttps://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/i-fqS2-5AWV--oPE_Zl-Uw
2. Nanjing Reported the Source of the Epidemic for the First Time: Cleaning Staff Cleaned up the Cabin Infection of Russia’s Entry CA910 Flighthttp://js.people.com.cn/n2/2021/0730/c360303-34845304.html
3. The Cleaners at Nanjing Airport Confirmed to Speakhttps://page.om.qq.com/page/O_ZY461NBObTK-0nhtr02s7w0
4. Why did Nanjing Airport Cause the Virus to Leak? Disease Control and Prevention in Jiangsu Province: In the Process of Tracing the Sourcehttps://www.bjnews.com.cn/detail/162747851114304.html
5. The Nanjing Epidemic Has Spread to Many Provinces and Cities. How do the Outsourced Cleaning Staff of the Infected Airport Work?https://static.cdsb.com/micropub/Articles/202107/b7d92c7693e3f8caa7494605e8617c47.html