1. Muhar, S., Muhar, A., Gregory, E., and Siegrist, D. (2019). River of the Alps. Diversity in Nature and Culture, HAUPT.
2. Hohensinner, S. Hydrological Catchment of the River Inn in Tyrol, 2024. Based on ÖK50, Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying.
3. Scheikl, S., and Loach, A. (2015). Gewässerschutzplan “Unser Inn“. Wasserwirtschaftlicher Rahmenplan für das Flusseinzugsgebiet des Tiroler Inn, Version II, WWF Österreich. Available online: http://www.unser-inn.at/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Gewaesserschutzplan_Unser_Inn_2015.pdf.
4. Besser, G.S. Map of the River Inn from Innsbruck to the Ziller, 1778. TLA, KuP 433/1.
5. Besser, G.S. Map of the Inn from the Ziller to the Bavarian Border, 1778. TLA, KuP 433/2.