Thorough Wide-Temperature-Range Analysis of Pt/SiC and Cr/SiC Schottky Contact Non-Uniformity


Pascu Razvan12ORCID,Pristavu Gheorghe2ORCID,Oneata Dan-Theodor2,Brezeanu Gheorghe2,Romanitan Cosmin1ORCID,Djourelov Nikolay3ORCID,Enache Andrei2,Draghici Florin2,Ivan Andrei Mario4,Ceuca Emilian5ORCID


1. National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies—IMT Bucharest, 126A, Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, 077190 Bucharest, Romania

2. Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, 060042 Bucharest, Romania

3. Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), Horia Hulubei National R&D Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), 077125 Magurele, Romania

4. Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Robotics, National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, 060042 Bucharest, Romania

5. Department of Informatics, Mathematics and Electronics, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Engineering, University “1 Decembrie 1918” of Alba Iulia, No. 5 Gabriel Bethlen Street, 510009 Alba Iulia, Romania


This paper evaluates the non-uniformity degree of platinum and chromium Schottky contacts on silicon carbide. The forward characteristics of experimental samples were acquired in a wide, 60–500 K, temperature range. Microstructural and conventional electrical characterizations were performed, revealing the presence of inhomogeneities on the contact surface. The main parameters were extracted using inhomogeneity models of varying complexity levels. Their relevance is discussed with respect to the models’ applicable, limited, temperature ranges. Finally, complete forward curve fitting was achieved using p-diode modeling, evincing that each type of contact behaves as four parallel-connected ideal diodes. Since these parallel diodes have varying influences on the overall device current with temperature and bias, operable domains can be identified where the samples behave suitably.


Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digitization, CCCDI—UEFISCDI

National Program for Research of the National Association of Technical Universities

Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digitalization









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