Influence of the Use of EtG Synthetic Fuel in Spark-Ignition Engines on Vehicle Fuel Consumption and Pollutant Emissions


Biernat Krzysztof1ORCID,Chłopek Zdzisław2,Grzelak Paulina Luiza3ORCID


1. Łukasiewicz Research Network—Automotive Industry Institute, Jagiellońska Str. 55, 03-301 Warsaw, Poland

2. Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Narbutta 84, 02-524 Warsaw, Poland

3. Motor Transport Institute, 80 Jagiellonska Str., 03-301 Warsaw, Poland


This article presents the properties of EtG synthetic fuel (Ethanol to Gasoline) as a substitute for fuels in an installation using ethanol from food waste as a raw material. The results of this research on the process of supplying the engine with EtG fuel are presented, in which the operational suitability of this fuel was verified, including environmental requirements. The results of pollutant emission tests from vehicles with spark-ignition engines in dynamic driving conditions in the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) type approval tests and the World Harmonized Test Cycle (WLTC) test, both on a “cold” and “hot engine”, are presented. It was found that EtG fuel is characterized by lower emissions of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and methane, and higher emissions of non-methane hydrocarbons compared to E10 commercial gasoline, while the specific distance emission of carbon dioxide for both fuels was very similar.




Energy (miscellaneous),Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Control and Optimization,Engineering (miscellaneous),Building and Construction

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