Information vs. Presentation: Three Different Approaches to Media Organizations’ Science Communication on Instagram


Planer Rosanna1ORCID,Seibert Daniel1ORCID,Godulla Alexander1ORCID,Ötting Hannah Lea2


1. Institute for Communication and Media Studies, Leipzig University, 04109 Leipzig, Germany

2. Department of Communication Studies, University of Muenster, Bispinghof 9-14, 48143 Münster, Germany


As science journalism is growing in importance and reader interest, the social media platform Instagram provides new opportunities for media organizations to distribute scientific content. The growing danger of fake news and misinformation, as well as the ongoing pandemic and trends in media consumption patterns, make it increasingly necessary for science journalists to deliver reliable content in a well-designed manner on digital platforms. This study investigates how German media companies and individual journalists inform lay audiences on new publications, findings, and developments in sciences, using the platform Instagram. A representative quantitative content analysis of Instagram posts (n = 2.605) of nine wide-ranging German accounts related to science journalism shows that the three analyzed groups (public service media outlets, private outlets, and individual journalists) pursue significantly different approaches in how they communicate scientific content on Instagram—ranging from informative to entertaining posts—varying in their text length, the complexity of the media elements used, and the tone of voice. The results shed light on a diversification of journalistic approaches to communicating scientific content on Instagram, as well as which approaches seem fruitful. Thereby, the nature of the media organization influences the complexity, design, and purpose of their science communication on Instagram.




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