Theoretical Tolerance Modelling of Dynamics and Stability for Axially Functionally Graded (AFG) Beams


Jędrysiak Jarosław1ORCID


1. Department of Structural Mechanics, Łódź University of Technology, al. Politechniki 6, 90-924 Łódź, Poland


Some considerations of slender elastic nonperiodic beams are shown in this paper. These beams have a functionally graded structure on the macro-level along the x-axis, and a nonperiodic structure on the micro-level. The effect of the size of the microstructure on the behavior of the beams can play a crucial role. This effect can be taken into account by applying the tolerance modelling method. This method leads to model equations with slowly varying coefficients, some of which depend on the microstructure size. In the framework of this model, formulas of higher order vibration frequencies related to the microstructure can be determined, not only for the fundamental lower-order vibration frequencies. Here, the application of the tolerance modelling method was mainly shown to derive the model equations of the so-called general (extended) tolerance model and standard tolerance model, describing dynamics and stability for axially functionally graded beams with the microstructure. A simple example of free vibrations of such a beam was presented as an application of these models. The formulas of the frequencies were determined using the Ritz method.




General Materials Science

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