The stochastic transport of particles in a disordered two-dimensional layered medium, driven by correlated y-dependent random velocity fields is usually referred to as random shear model. This model exhibits a superdiffusive behavior in the x direction ascribable to the statistical properties of the disorder advection field. By introducing layered random amplitude with a power-law discrete spectrum, the analytical expressions for the space and time velocity correlation functions, together with those of the position moments, are derived by means of two distinct averaging procedures. In the case of quenched disorder, the average is performed over an ensemble of uniformly spaced initial conditions: albeit the strong sample-to-sample fluctuations, and universality appears in the time scaling of the even moments. Such universality is exhibited in the scaling of the moments averaged over the disorder configurations. The non-universal scaling form of the no-disorder symmetric or asymmetric advection fields is also derived.
General Physics and Astronomy