1. International Maritime Organization (IMO) (2022, March 30). Safety of Ro-ro Ferries. Available online: https://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Safety/Pages/RO-ROFerries.aspx.
2. McGregor, K., Nichols, P.R., and Anderson, F. (2022, May 01). A Master’s Guide to: Fire Safety on Ferries. Available online: https://www.standard-club.com/fileadmin/uploads/standardclub/Photos/Thumbnails/SC-MG-Fire-safety-on-ferries-20210527_Final.pdf.
3. (2016). Formal Safety Assessment, Including General Cargo Ship Safety. Electric Mobility on Ro-ro and Ro-pax Ships Report of the Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) Study. (Standard No. IMO MSC 96/INF.3).
4. International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) (2022, March 30). Fires on Ro-ro Passenger Vehicle Decks. Available online: https://iumi.com/images/IUMI_Position_Paper_-_Fires_on_RoRo_Passenger_ferries_-_7_February_2017.pdf.
5. China Maritime Safety Administration (China MSA) (2022, March 30). Investigation Report of Fire Accidents Onboard Vessel Zhonghua Fuqiang in Weihai Port of China, Available online: https://www.msa.gov.cn/html/xxgk/tzgg/sgdc/20211116/1FE8ED4A-D9F1-4683-B835-FE5F21FE7CD8.html.