3Cs: Unleashing Capsule Networks for Robust COVID-19 Detection Using CT Images


Alaufi Rawan1ORCID,Abukhodair Felwa1ORCID,Kalkatawi Manal1ORCID


1. Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia


The COVID-19 pandemic has spread worldwide for over two years. It was considered a significant threat to global health due to its transmissibility and high pathogenicity. The standard test for COVID-19, namely, reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR), is somehow inaccurate and might have a high false-negative rate (FNR). As a result, an infected person with a negative test result may unknowingly continue to spread the virus, especially if they are infected with an undiscovered COVID-19 strain. Thus, a more accurate diagnostic technique is required. In this study, we propose 3Cs, which is a capsule neural network (CapsNet) used to classify computed tomography (CT) images as novel coronavirus pneumonia (NCP), common pneumonia (CP), or normal lungs. Using 6123 CT images of healthy patients’ lungs and those of patients with CP and NCP, the 3Cs method achieved an accuracy of around 98% and an FNR of about 2%, demonstrating CapNet’s ability to extract features from CT images that distinguish between healthy and infected lungs. This research confirmed that using CapsNet to detect COVID-19 from CT images results in a lower FNR compared to RT–PCR. Thus, it can be used in conjunction with RT–PCR to diagnose COVID-19 regardless of the variant.



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