Experience of Indigenous Peoples’ Access to Long-Term Care Services in Taiwan: A Qualitative Study among Bunun Tribes


Tien Hsiu-ChuanORCID,Hou Wen-LiORCID,Yang Yung-Mei


Indigenous communities usually have poorer access to long-term care services than non-indigenous communities because of their remote locations and unique cultural backgrounds. However, there was little exploration into the experience of indigenous people’s access to the official long-term care services in Taiwan—the gap this study aimed to fill. A qualitative study design using semi-structured interviews was used to obtain data from a purposive sample. Fourteen participants who were disabled and lived among the indigenous communities of the Bunun tribes in central Taiwan were interviewed individually. The data were analyzed using Graneheim and Lundman’s qualitative content analysis. The theme—“helpful but still difficult and unfit”—and three categories with eight subcategories emerged. While official long-term care services provided by the government can benefit people with disabilities in indigenous tribes, their use of such services faces a number of obstacles, which points to the need for considering culturally appropriate care. To protect the rights and interests of indigenous tribal communities, long-term care policies and practical planning must be adopted, cultural differences at play must be respected and recognized, and the necessary support must be offered to eliminate inequalities in healthcare.




Health Information Management,Health Informatics,Health Policy,Leadership and Management

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