Experience of Elderly Korean Women with Diabetes and Multimorbidity in Elderly Couple Households: A Qualitative Study


Kim OksooORCID,Dan HyunjuORCID


Elderly women with multimorbidity in elderly couple households face the double burden of managing their diseases while fulfilling their gender roles. This study aimed to investigate the daily life experiences of elderly women with diabetes and multimorbidity living as part of couple households in Korea. Ten women aged 65 or more with diabetes and multimorbidity and living as part of elderly couple households participated in this phenomenological qualitative study. The data were analyzed with van Manen’s method of study of analytical phenomena. Four essential themes were identified. Participants regarded diabetes and multimorbidity as a part of the aging process and continued to function as caregivers for their husbands and themselves, avoiding becoming a burden to their adult children. The findings of this study could help healthcare providers better understand elderly women with diabetes and multimorbidity and assist in improving the health of such women.




Health Information Management,Health Informatics,Health Policy,Leadership and Management

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