Study of the Spatial Distribution of the Bark Beetle in the Ejido Tixtlancingo


Avila-Pérez Humberto1ORCID,Guzmán-Martínez María2ORCID,Rosas-Acevedo José L.3ORCID,Navarro-Martínez José4ORCID,Gallardo-Bernal Iván5ORCID


1. Higher School of Sustainable Development, Autonomous University of Guerrero, Técpan 40900, Mexico

2. Faculty of Mathematics, Autonomous University of Guerrero, Chilpancingo 39087, Mexico

3. Regional Development Sciences Center, Autonomous University of Guerrero, Acapulco 39640, Mexico

4. General Directorate of Agricultural Technological Education and Marine Science, Brigade 37, Acapulco 39908, Mexico

5. Faculty of Information Sciences and Technologies, Autonomous University of Guerrero, Acapulco 39390, Mexico


The spatial distribution of Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann, 1868, and Dendroctonus mexicanus Hopkins, 1905, was determined from 2020 to 2021 in the Tixtlancingo ejido. The information came from two surveys because, despite the abundant forested areas in this geographical area of the state of Guerrero, Mexico, economic resources for pest biomonitoring are limited. However, it was possible to identify the presence of 76 outbreaks affecting 1117.697 hectares and 95,078 trees, totaling 14,223.8 m3 of standing timber volume. In 2020, 28 outbreaks were reported, with the eastern spatial distribution showing the most damage from bark beetles, particularly in outbreaks 7 and 14 of the surveyed area. The most affected conifers were Pinus maximinoi H. E. Moore (44.71%), Pinus oocarpa Schiede ex Schltdl. (39.93%), and Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl. (15.36%). The affected timber volume was observed in diameter categories of 30 cm for the three pine species, with infestation of 90,549 trees (13,497.6 m3 t.t.v. (total tree volume)) across 1057.64 hectares. In 2021, 48 outbreaks were recorded, with the northeastern and southern parts of the surveyed area showing the most damage from the bark beetle. The trees most affected by the bark beetle were P. oocarpa (59.17%), P. maximinoi (33.94%), and P. pseudostrobus (6.89%). It was observed that the affected volume occurred in trees with diameter categories of 50 cm for the three pine species, affecting 4529 trees (726.214 m3 t.t.v.) distributed over 60.06 hectares. The contribution of this work lies in establishing a baseline for monitoring damage caused by this beetle, which affects forest resources and diminishes the possibility of maintaining carbon capture areas in the medium and long term, thus impacting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 agenda, specifically Goals 11, 13, and 15.



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