Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment for Sustainable Shipyard Floating Dock Operations: An Integrated Spherical Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy CoCoSo Approach


Bayhun Semra1ORCID,Demirel Nihan Çetin2


1. Occupational Safety and Health Doctorate Program, Department of Industrial Engineering, Yıldız Technical University, 34349 Istanbul, Turkey

2. Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Yıldız Technical University, 34349 Istanbul, Turkey


Background: This study investigated the process of selecting sustainable safety protocols for floating dock operations in shipyards by identifying potential workplace risks in emergency situations. Thirteen occupational hazards for shipyard floating dock operations were identified through a literature review and expert discussions. Methods: We incorporated four risk elements (consequence: C, frequency: F, probability: P, and number of people at risk: NP) from the Fine–Kinney and Hazard Rating Number System (HRNS) approaches as the risk assessment criteria. We obtained the importance weights of the risk assessment criteria via the Spherical Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (SF-AHP) and extended the Combined Compromise Solution (CoCoSo) method within the fuzzy framework to prioritize occupational hazards. This study demonstrated the practicality and efficiency of the proposed emergency risk assessment model for shipyard floating dock operations through a case example of occupational risk assessment. Results: The analysis results show that H4 is the occupational hazard with the highest priority, with a score of 3.553. H4 represents the hazard associated with insufficient access to the entire pool area. The second and third most important hazards are the inability of cranes to move freely in and out of the berthing dock and the inability to dispatch emergency teams. These hazards, denoted H1 and H12, follow closely behind with scores of 3.391 and 3.344, respectively. H10 is deemed the least concerning hazard, with a score of 1.802. Conclusions: Professionals can handle complex and uncertain risk assessment data more flexibly using the proposed system, which excels in accurately organizing occupational hazards.










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