Survey on the Developments of Unmanned Marine Vehicles: Intelligence and Cooperation


Bae Inyeong1,Hong Jungpyo1


1. Department of Information and Communication Engineering, Changwon National University, Changwon 51140, Republic of Korea


With the recent development of artificial intelligence (AI) and information and communication technology, manned vehicles operated by humans used on the ground, air, and sea are evolving into unmanned vehicles (UVs) that operate without human intervention. In particular, unmanned marine vehicles (UMVs), including unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) and unmanned surface vehicles (USVs), have the potential to complete maritime tasks that are unachievable for manned vehicles, lower the risk of man power, raise the power required to carry out military missions, and reap huge economic benefits. The aim of this review is to identify past and current trends in UMV development and present insights into future UMV development. The review discusses the potential benefits of UMVs, including completing maritime tasks that are unachievable for manned vehicles, lowering the risk of human intervention, and increasing power for military missions and economic benefits. However, the development of UMVs has been relatively tardy compared to that of UVs used on the ground and in the air due to adverse environments for UMV operation. This review highlights the challenges in developing UMVs, particularly in adverse environments, and the need for continued advancements in communication and networking technologies, navigation and sound exploration technologies, and multivehicle mission planning technologies to improve UMV cooperation and intelligence. Furthermore, the review identifies the importance of incorporating AI and machine learning technologies in UMVs to enhance their autonomy and ability to perform complex tasks. Overall, this review provides insights into the current state and future directions for UMV development.


Korea Research Institute for Defense Technology Planning and Advancement




Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Biochemistry,Instrumentation,Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics,Analytical Chemistry

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