Gaucher-like Cells in Thalassemia Intermedia: Is It a Challenge?


Komninaka Veroniki1,Flevari Pagona1ORCID,Karkaletsis Georgios2,Androutsakos Theodoros3ORCID,Karkaletsi Theofili4,Ntanasis-Stathopoulos Ioannis5ORCID,Ntelaki Evaggelia-Eleni1,Terpos Evangelos5ORCID


1. Centre of Excellence in Rare Haematological (Haemoglobinopathies) & Rare Metabolic (Gaucher Disease) Diseases, Laiko General Hospital, 11527 Athens, Greece

2. Medical School, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU), 39120 Magdeburg, Germany

3. Department of Pathophysiology, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 11527 Athens, Greece

4. Medical School, Charité—Berlin University of Medicine, 10117 Berlin, Germany

5. Department of Clinical Therapeutics, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 11528 Athens, Greece


We describe two cases of thalassemia intermedia (TI) patients with the presence of Gaucher-like cells in hematopoietic tissue biopsies, raising diagnostic dilemmas. The first is a 56-year-old female with bone lesions, splenomegaly, hypochromic microcytic anemia and Gaucher-like cells in the bone marrow, with a final diagnosis of TI, and the second is a 69-year-old male with TI, monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) that accelerated to multiple myeloma (MM) requiring treatment, bone disease and Gaucher-like cells in the bone marrow and the spleen, and heterozygoty of Gaucher disease (GD). Gaucher-like cells are difficult to differentiate from true Gaucher cells, that are the hallmark of GD suspicion. These cells are usually reported in the lymphohematopoietic system. They have been described in myeloproliferative disorders, hematological malignancies, infectious diseases, hemoglobinopathies and other hemolytic anemias. The presence of Gaucher-like cells in patients with thalassemia major has been well documented, whereas there are limited references regarding cases with thalassemia intermedia. The identification of these cells in thalassemia probably reflects the high cell turnover. The bony complications in GD and TIare not yet fully explained in the literature, and this raises the question of whether Gaucher-like cells could play a pathogenetic role in the bone disease of thalassemia, as Gaucher cells are considered to play a similar role in bone complications of GD. Moreover, given the rarity and similarity of Gaucher and Gaucher-like cells, we would like to highlight that the presence of Gaucher-like cells in the bone marrow should not be overlooked, as they might be obscuring an underlying pathology, in order to ensure that hematologists, internists and hematopathologists will be promptly and accurately diagnosed.




General Medicine

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4. Storage Cells of Spleen and Bone Marrow in Thalassemia: An Ultrastructural Study;Beltrami;Blood,1973

5. Gaucher-like cells in myelodysplastic syndrome with ring sideroblasts;Farhat;Hematol. Transfus. Cell Ther.,2022







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