Gastric cancer is one of the gastrointestinal malignancies that can be quite devastating with high morbidity and mortality. Unfortunately, it is a malignancy that is encountered all across the world and is often brought into suspicion based on symptoms of the patient. The presentation differs based on the symptomatology and can be quite variable in each and every case. Malignant lesions in the stomach discovered endoscopically can represent as primary gastric growths or can be secondary as a consequence of metastatic spread from a distant primary site. It is important to recognize the different patterns of presentation of metastatic disease and to be aware of the primary tumor sites. The treatment and ultimately the prognosis changes drastically when dealing with a metastatic disease as opposed to a primary localized source with limited spread. The aim of our study is to present a mini series of cases that manifest as metastatic gastric growths. Their clinical, endoscopic and histological appearance is depicted to provide an understanding of each case. The primary sites of origin for our patients were the lungs, skin, lymphoid tissue and kidneys. Their overall clinical course is presented including the approach to the management in each case as well as their outcomes.