Tumor Grade and Mitotic Count Are Prognostic for Dogs with Cutaneous Mast Cell Tumors Treated with Surgery and Adjuvant or Neoadjuvant Vinblastine Chemotherapy


Anderson Kristina1,Pellin MacKenzie2ORCID,Snyder Elizabeth3,Clarke Dawn4


1. Blue Pearl Pet Hospital, Southfield, MI 48034, USA

2. Department of Medical Sciences, Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA

3. Blue Pearl Pet Hospital, Spring, TX 77388, USA

4. Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery, University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine, Athens, GA 30602, USA


Objective: Canine cutaneous mast cell tumors (cMCTs) have variable rates of recurrence and metastasis. We evaluated how various prognostic factors affect survival, recurrence, and metastasis in dogs with cMCT who underwent surgery and vinblastine chemotherapy. Animals: 90 dogs with cMCT treated with surgery and vinblastine at a veterinary referral institution were included. Methods: Medical records were retrospectively reviewed. Prognostic factors were evaluated. Results: Most dogs (94%) had grade 2 or 3 cMCTs. Neoadjuvant vinblastine was used in 18 dogs, and none progressed locally before surgery. The use of neoadjuvant vinblastine was associated with a higher chance of local recurrence (p = 0.03) but not survival. Shorter survival times were found for tumors that were high-grade (p < 0.001), grade 3 (p < 0.001), or a MC of >5 (p < 0.001). Dogs with grade 2 tumors that were low-grade lived longer than those with high-grade tumors (p < 0.001). Histologic tumor-free margins and the ability to achieve local tumor control were not associated with outcome. Clinical Relevance: Both grading systems and MC were prognostic for survival in this population of dogs, supporting the need for the standard reporting of histopathologic findings. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy can be effective in downsizing cMCTs but does not influence survival. These findings are consistent with previous publications, showing the benefits of a more modern population of patients, surgical treatments, and histopathologic assessments.



Reference46 articles.








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