Modified Multimachine Power System Design with DFIG-WECS and Damping Controller


Sabo Aliyu12ORCID,Ebuka Odoh Theophilus1ORCID,Veerasamy Veerapandiyan3,Abdul Wahab Noor Izzri2


1. Center for Power Systems Dynamic Simulation, Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA), Kaduna PMB 2109, Nigeria

2. Advanced Lightning and Power Energy System (ALPER), Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia (UPM), Serdang 43400, Malaysia

3. Energy Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore 637141, Singapore


Rotor angle stability, which involves electromechanical oscillation damping and control, is very important in maintaining the stability of modern power grid systems. Renewable energy sources like wind energy are undergoing massive integration into modern power grid systems to meet energy demands and decarbonize power grid systems of carbon emissions from fossil fuel generators. To enable increased integration of wind renewable energy sources, precise models are needed for research and analytical purposes. Wind renewable energy is generated through a wind energy conversion system (WECS); one such conversion system is the doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) system. In this study, a precise model of a DFIG-WECS was modeled and integrated into the IEEE’s two-area Kundur power test system, which represents the available power grid system, and is also a multimachine power system using the Matlab/Simulink 2023 software. A damping controller known as the power system stabilizer (PSS), whose optimal parameters were obtained using artificial eco-system optimization (AEO), was also incorporated into the integrated power grid system to control and damp electromechanical oscillations. The results showed that the PSS damping controller effectively damped electromechanical oscillations in the integrated power grid system.









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