Feasibility of Transport of 26 Biologically Active Ultrashort Peptides via LAT and PEPT Family Transporters


Khavinson Vladimir Khatskelevich12,Linkova Natalia Sergeevna13ORCID,Rudskoy Andrey Ivanovich4,Petukhov Michael Gennadievich5ORCID


1. Department of Biogerontology, Saint Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, 197110 Saint Petersburg, Russia

2. Group of Peptide Regulation of Aging, Pavlov Institute of Physiology of Russian Academy of Sciences, 199034 Saint Petersburg, Russia

3. The Department of Therapy, Geriatrics and Anti-Age Medicine, Academy of Postgraduate Education under of FSBU FSCC of FMBA of Russia, 125371 Moscow, Russia

4. Group of Biophysics, Higher Engineering and Technical School, Peter the Great St., Petersburg Polytechnic University, 195251 Saint Petersburg, Russia

5. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Named after B.P. Konstantinov, NRC “Kurchatov Institute”, 188300 Gatchina, Russia


The aim of this work is to verify the possibility of transport of 26 biologically active ultrashort peptides (USPs) into cells via LAT and PEPT family transporters. Molecular modeling and computer-assisted docking of peptide ligands revealed that the size and structure of ligand-binding sites of the amino acid transporters LAT1, LAT2, and of the peptide transporter PEPT1 are sufficient for the transport of the 26 biologically active di-, tri-, and tetra-peptides. Comparative analysis of the binding of all possible di- and tri-peptides (8400 compounds) at the binding sites of the LAT and PEPT family transporters has been carried out. The 26 biologically active USPs systematically showed higher binding scores to LAT1, LAT2, and PEPT1, as compared with di- and tri-peptides, for which no biological activity has been established. This indicates an important possible role which LAT and PEPT family transporters may play in a variety of biological activities of the 26 biologically active peptides under investigation in this study. Most of the 26 studied USPs were found to bind to the LAT1, LAT2, and PEPT1 transporters more efficiently than the known substrates or inhibitors of these transporters. Peptides ED, DS, DR, EDR, EDG, AEDR, AEDL, KEDP, and KEDG, and peptoids DS7 and KE17 with negatively charged Asp− or Glu− amino acid residues at the N-terminus and neutral or positively charged residues at the C-terminus of the peptide are found to be the most effective ligands of the transporters under investigation. It can be assumed that the antitumor effect of the KE, EW, EDG, and AEDG peptides could be associated with their ability to inhibit the LAT1, LAT2, and PEPT1 amino acid transporters. The data obtained lead to new prospects for further study of the mechanisms of transport of USP-based drugs into the cell and design of new antitumor drugs.




Molecular Biology,Biochemistry

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