Antimicrobial responses play an important role in maintaining intestinal heath. Recently we reported that miR-511 may regulate TLR4 responses leading to enhanced intestinal inflammation. However, the exact mechanism remained unclear. In this study we investigated the effect of miR-511 deficiency on anti-microbial responses and DSS-induced intestinal inflammation. miR-511-deficient mice were protected from DSS-induced colitis as shown by significantly lower disease activity index, weight loss and histology scores in the miR-511-deficient group. Furthermore, reduced inflammatory cytokine responses were observed in colons of miR-511 deficient mice. In vitro studies with bone marrow-derived M2 macrophages showed reduced TLR3 and TLR4 responses in miR-511-deficient macrophages compared to WT macrophages. Subsequent RNA sequencing revealed Wdfy1 as the potential miR-511 target. WDFY1 deficiency is related to impaired TLR3/TLR4 immune responses and the expression was downregulated in miR-511-deficient macrophages and colons. Together, this study shows that miR-511 is involved in the regulation of intestinal inflammation through downstream regulation of TLR3 and TLR4 responses via Wdfy1.
Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, LSH-TKI, Health Holland, MNEON