A Two-Stage EV Charging Planning and Network Reconfiguration Methodology towards Power Loss Minimization in Low and Medium Voltage Distribution Networks


Kothona Despoina,Bouhouras AggelosORCID


The topic of power loss reduction in distribution systems has gained significant attention over recent years. Despite the efforts of the European Union towards the minimization of power losses, the decarbonization of the transport sector has raised several concerns, since charging overlaps of Electric Vehicles (EVs) can cause extensive power losses and power quality issues. Considering these, the present paper proposes a two-stage EV charging planning and Network Reconfiguration (NR) methodology, addressing the problem of power loss minimization in both Low-Voltage (LV) and Medium-Voltage (MV) Distribution Networks (DNs), respectively. In the first stage, considering the key role of the aggregator, the EV charging planning is applied to LV DN. In the second stage, the NR technique is applied to the MV DN, by taking into account the hourly power demand of LV DNs as obtained by the aggregators. The proposed methodology has been applied on a benchmarked MV network for which each node is represented by a real LV network. The results indicate that the proposed methodology could yield up to a 63.64% power loss reduction, in respect to the base scenario, i.e., no charging planning and no NR are applied.




Energy (miscellaneous),Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Control and Optimization,Engineering (miscellaneous),Building and Construction

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