The Content of Heavy Metals in Medicinal Plants in Various Environmental Conditions: A Review


Vinogradova Natalya1,Glukhov Alexander2,Chaplygin Victor3,Kumar Pradeep4,Mandzhieva Saglara3ORCID,Minkina Tatiana3ORCID,Rajput Vishnu D.3ORCID


1. Pharmaceutical and Medical Chemistry Department, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk 283003, Russia

2. Natural Flora and Conservation Affairs Department, Donetsk Botanical Garden, Donetsk 283059, Russia

3. Academy of Biology and Biotechnology, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don 344090, Russia

4. Department of Botany, MMV, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005, India


Nowadays people are becoming poisoned through the consumption of herbal remedies that comprise heavy metals (HMs) worldwide. It is possible for HMs to be present in pharmaceutical herb materials coming from anthropogenic activities like agriculture, industrial waste, and natural sources. In various ethnic groups, there is evidence that contaminants were purposefully added in the belief that they had some sort of therapeutic benefit. HM toxicity of medicinal plant products has been linked to a wide range of adverse health effects, causing dysfunction of the liver, kidney, and heart, and even death. Natural plant-based products established around the world have progressed to the point that they now combine a variety of synthetic products for their purported medical benefits. This assessment focuses on the impacts of HMs on plants, sources of HMs, herbal sample collection, and identification techniques, especially in medicinal plant samples. At the same time, it focuses on the sociocultural applications of HMs as well as the dangers associated with their usage in conventional therapies. It is necessary to implement appropriate regulation and monitoring systems for natural supplements due to the prevalence of hazardous HMs.




Horticulture,Plant Science

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