Black Rot of Grapes (Guignardia bidwellii)—A Comprehensive Overview


Szabó Márton,Csikász-Krizsics Anna,Dula TeréziaORCID,Farkas Eszter,Roznik Dóra,Kozma Pál,Deák TamásORCID


The aim of this review is to provide readers with an integrated knowledge on black rot of grapes, based on a critical survey of previous and recent studies of scientific importance. The current state of the art and perspectives of science are presented, not only on the genetic determinants of grapevine resistance to black rot, predictive models of black rot epidemics, but also on the potential of metabolomics to explore black rot-grape interactions and shorten plant breeding processes. Numerous complications of disease management and ambiguities in phenotype-classification are highlighted, and by exploring the limitations and inconsistencies of previous studies, insights into key dilemmas and controversial findings are also provided, suggesting future research directions. Much research has been conducted, but biochemical and molecular studies of the true interactions between grapevine and Guignardia bidwellii are still rarity.


National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, Hungary




Horticulture,Plant Science

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