Effects of Four Photo-Selective Colored Hail Nets on an Apple in Loess Plateau, China


Zhang Yutian1,Chu Baohua1,Zhang Dongdong1,Li Qi1,Li Qianjin1,Li Xuewei1,Liu Zeyuan1,Ma Fengwang1ORCID,Guan Qingmei1,Zhang Dehui2,Zou Yangjun1


1. State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas/Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Apple, College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China

2. College of Horticulture, Shanxi Agricultural University, Jinzhong 030801, China


Hail, known as an agricultural meteorological disaster, can substantially constrain the growth of the apple industry. Presently, apple orchards use a variety of colored (photo-selective) hail nets as a preventative measure. However, it is unclear which color proves most effective for apple orchards. This study provides a systematic investigation of the impact of four photo-selective colored hail nets (white, blue, black, and green; with white being the control) on the microenvironment of apple orchards, fruit tree development, fruit quality, and yield over a two-year period (2020–2021). Different photo-selective nets do not evidently alter the intensity of light, although the nets’ shading effects decrease in the order from black to green to blue. Among them, blue nets increased the proportion of blue light, while green nets enhanced the proportion of green light. On the other hand, black, green, and blue nets diminished the proportion of red and far-red light. Such photo-selective nets effectively lowered soil temperature but did not have an impact on relative humidity and air temperature. Encasing apple trees with blue nets promoted growth, increasing shoot length, thickness, leaf area, and water content, while simultaneously decreasing leaf thickness. Black nets had comparable effects, although the impacts of green nets were inconsistent. Different photo-selective nets did not significantly influence the leaf shape index or overall chlorophyll content. However, black and green nets reduced the chlorophyll a/b ratio, while blue nets slightly boosted this ratio. Additionally, blue nets proved beneficial for apple trees’ photosynthesis. With the employment of a principal component analysis and comprehensive evaluation, this study concludes that blue nets offer the most favorable environmental conditions for apple growth while protecting apple orchards against hail, compared to black, white, and green nets.


National Key Research and Development Project

China Agricultural Research System




Horticulture,Plant Science








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