Mandarin Essential Oils as an Alternative Method of Controlling the Fungus Alternaria alternata (Fr.: Fr.) Keissler


Devite Fernando Trevizan1ORCID,Azevedo Fernando Alves de1ORCID,Bastianel Marinês1,Schinor Evandro Henrique2ORCID,Conceição Patrícia Marluci da2


1. Centro de Citricultura ‘Sylvio Moreira’, Instituto Agronômico, Rod. Anhanguera, km 158, Cordeirópolis 13490-970, SP, Brazil

2. Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Rod. Anhanguera, km 174, Araras 13600-970, SP, Brazil


Alternaria brown spot (ABS) is a disease caused by the fungus A. alternata f. sp. citri, which results in lesions on the fruits, leaves, and branches of several mandarin varieties and their hybrids. Due to the high cost of fungicide application, alternative methods for controlling ABS need to be studied. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the use of essential oils (EOs) from different mandarin varieties to mitigate the effects of ABS. The inhibitory effect of different concentrations (1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 μL·mL−1) of the EOs of Fremont IAC 543 mandarin, IAC 2019Maria mandarin, Murcott IAC 221 tangor, and Late IAC 855 willowleaf on the in vitro mycelial growth of the fungus A. alternata was evaluated. Additionally, the curative and preventive effects of these EOs on the ABS symptoms in detached leaves of Murcott IAC 221 tangor were also assessed. The EO of IAC 2019 Maria mandarin induced less mycelial growth, and consequently, a greater inhibition of the growth of the fungus A. alternata at a concentration of 16 μL·mL−1. This EO was more effective for control than the other oils tested. In the detached leaf experiment, both the curative and preventive treatments at a concentration of 16 μL·mL−1 showed lower values of disease severity.


Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—Brazil (Capes)—Finance Code 001

Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo—Fapesp




Horticulture,Plant Science

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