Drugs Associated with Adverse Effects in Vulnerable Groups of Patients


Ștefan Claudia Simona1,Nechita Aurel1,Dragostin Oana-Maria1,Fulga Ana1,Lisă Elena-Lăcrămioara1,Vatcu Rodica1,Dragostin Ionut1,Velicescu Cristian2,Fulga Iuliu1


1. Research Centre in the Medical-Pharmaceutical Field, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, 35 AL Cuza st, 800010 Galati, Romania

2. Faculty of Medicine, “Grigore T Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi, 16 University Street, 700115 Iaşi, Romania


In recent years, a series of recommendations have been issued regarding the administration of drugs because of awareness of the serious side effects associated with certain classes of drugs, especially in vulnerable patients. Taking into account the obligation of the continuous improvement of professionals in the medical fields and the fact that we are in the midst of a “malpractice accusations pandemic”, through this work, we propose to carry out a “radiography” of the scientific literature regarding adverse effects that may occur as a result of the interaction of drugs with the physiopathological particularities of patients. The literature reports various cases regarding different classes of drugs administration associated with adverse effects in the elderly people, such as fluoroquinolones, which can cause torsade de pointes or tendinopathy, or diuretics, which can cause hypokalemia followed by torsade de pointes and cardiorespiratory arrest. Also, children are more prone to the development of adverse reactions due to their physiological particularities, while for pregnant women, some drugs can interfere with the normal development of the fetus, and for psychiatric patients, the use of neuroleptics can cause agranulocytosis. Considering the physiopathological particularities of each patient, the drug doses must be adjusted or even completely removed from the treatment scheme, thus requiring the mandatory active participation both of clinician pharmacists and specialists in the activity of medical-pharmaceutical analysis laboratories within the structure of hospitals.


“Dunărea de Jos University of Galați”,










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