Objectives: Plunging ranula intruding into the cervical region is rare and a standard therapy has not yet been consolidated. This paper investigates the outcomes and side effects of OK-432 treatment in patients with a ranula extending into the cervical region. Methods: The study design and setting consisted of a planned data collection at Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University and Fukase Clinic. Eight patients with ranula extending into the cervical region received OK-432 treatment between January 2016 and February 2019. OK-432 treatment was performed for patients with ranula extending into the cervical region. Results: In all patients, a total shrinkage and marked reduction in lesions were observed without local scars or deformations after OK-432 treatment. Complications were local swelling and mild fever (37.5–38.5 °C), which lasted a few days in half of the patients. Conclusions: OK-432 treatment is straightforward, secure, and efficacious and can be substituted for surgery in the treatment of ranula extending into the cervical region.