1. Natural gas as a marine fuel
2. Resolution MEPC.176(58): Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1997 to Amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as Modified by the Protocol of 1978 Relating Theretohttp://www.imo.org/en/KnowledgeCentre/IndexofIMOResolutions/Marine-Environment-Protection-Committee-%28MEPC%29/Documents/MEPC.176%2858%29.pdf
3. IMO Sets 2020 Date for Ships to Comply with Low Sulphur Fuel Oil Requirementhttp://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/PressBriefings/Pages/MEPC-70-2020sulphur.aspx
4. Sulphur Cap Ahead—Time to Take Actionhttps://www.dnvgl.com/article/sulphur-cap-ahead-time-to-take-action-94198
5. Dual-Fuel Diesel Engines;Karim,2015