Future or Movement? The L2 Acquisition of Aller + V Forms


Leclercq Pascale


This study aims to advance the understanding of the impact of the discursive context in the form-function mappings of aller + V forms by native speakers (NSs) and learners of French (NNSs), and to further knowledge about the developmental patterns of use of such forms at three proficiency levels (lower intermediate, upper intermediate, and advanced). While aller + V is often referred to as a periphrastic future form, i.e., a way to express temporal reference, it also takes a range of diverse semantic values (including spatial, aspectual, and modal values), and discursive functions. We therefore set out to examine data from a cross-sectional oral narrative and a longitudinal semi-guided interview task to find out to what extent aller + V forms are used by NSs and NNSs in a study abroad context. Our main results show that at lower intermediate level, spatial values dominate, while temporal and modal values emerge at upper intermediate and advanced levels. As regards the discursive functions of aller + V, learners make context appropriate choices (among others, narrative function in oral narratives, and stance-marking in interviews), but even at advanced level, their range of semantic values and discursive functions is more restricted than native speakers’.




Linguistics and Language,Language and Linguistics

Reference25 articles.

1. The psychological reality of spatio-temporal metaphors;Athanasopoulos,2017

2. The acquisition of future temporality by L2 French learners

3. Itinéraires acquisitionnels et stades de développement en français L2

4. Méthodologie de la recherche en acquisition des langues;Benazzo








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