1. Web Articles and Commentaries on Specific Topics in the History of Cartographyhttps://www.maphistory.info/webtexts.html
2. Le problematiche relative all’uso della cartografia storica;Rombai,2010
3. Geomorphic Changes in the Rhône Delta during the LIA: Input from the Analysis of Ancient Maps;Provansal,2016
4. Small, medium and large-scale maps in coastal studies. What happened to Arno’s mouth between the XIVth and the XIXth century;Piccardi,2014
5. Carte a Piccola, Grande e Grandissima Scala Negli Studi Sull’evoluzione del Litorale. Cosa è Successo a Bocca d’Arno tra il XVI e il XIX Secolo?;Piccardi,2014