Test Rig for the In Situ Measurement of the Elastic Tooth Deflection of Plastic Gears


Herzog Christoph1ORCID,Drummer Dietmar1


1. Institute of Polymer Technology (LKT), Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 91054 Erlangen, Germany


A new steel–plastic gear set testing methodology has been developed at the Institute of Polymer Technology (LKT). The in situ gear test rig analyses the timing differences between the index pulses of rotary encoders on the input and output shaft. This measurement principle enables the continuous measurement of the elastic tooth deflection on the one hand and permanent deformations and wear on the other hand by switching between a high loading torque and a low measuring torque. However, the elastic tooth deflection measurement using this principle has not yet been validated. Therefore, in situ gear tests using polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) gears were performed to evaluate the elastic tooth deflection of the plastic gear during operation. The results were compared to the results of pulsator tests. The comparison shows a very good correlation between the results of the newly developed in situ gear test rig and the well-established pulsator test rig. However, it has been shown that the test rig design creates a measuring offset due to angular displacements of the shafts due to torsion of test rig components.


German Research Foundation




Polymers and Plastics,General Chemistry

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