Underwater Object Detection in Marine Ranching Based on Improved YOLOv8


Jia Rong1ORCID,Lv Bin1ORCID,Chen Jie1,Liu Hailin1,Cao Lin1,Liu Min1


1. Institute of Oceanographic Instrumentation, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Qingdao 266000, China


The aquaculture of marine ranching is of great significance for scientific aquaculture and the practice of statistically grasping existing information on the types of living marine resources and their density. However, underwater environments are complex, and there are many small and overlapping targets for marine organisms, which seriously affects the performance of detectors. To overcome these issues, we attempted to improve the YOLOv8 detector. The InceptionNeXt block was used in the backbone to enhance the feature extraction capabilities of the network. Subsequently, a separate and enhanced attention module (SEAM) was added to the neck to enhance the detection of overlapping targets. Moreover, the normalized Wasserstein distance (NWD) loss was proportionally added to the original CIoU loss to improve the detection of small targets. Data augmentation methods were used to improve the dataset during training to enhance the robustness of the network. The experimental results showed that the improved YOLOv8 achieved the mAP of 84.5%, which was an improvement over the original YOLOv8 of approximately 6.2%. Meanwhile, there were no significant increases in the numbers of parameters and computations. This detector can be applied on platforms for seafloor observation experiments in the field of marine ranching to complete the task of real-time detection of marine organisms.




Ocean Engineering,Water Science and Technology,Civil and Structural Engineering








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